All about Q.U.B.E. 2 Xbox game

All about Q.U.B.E. 2 Xbox game

Q.U.B.E. 2 is a first-person puzzle game developed by the creators of the original Q.U.B.E., Janusz Kamiล„ski and Krzysztof Kieล›lowski, for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux platforms. It was announced at E3 2019 and is currently in development by Polish game developer 11 bit studios.

Deatils of Q.U.B.E. 2 Xbox Gameplay

In Q.U.B.E. 2, you play as a character who is exploring a mysterious and dark world. The game features a variety of puzzles and challenges that will require you to use your brain as well as your physical abilities.

Why to play Q.U.B.E. 2 Xbox game

Q.U.B.E. 2 is a puzzle game that challenges players to use their intelligence to solve challenging puzzles in order to progress through the game.

Best game tips

– Use the environment to your advantage: use crates and boxes to create cover, climb up high to find vantage points, and use environmental hazards to your advantage.

– Use the tools at your disposal: use the wrench to break open locks, the drill to break through walls, and the torch to light dark areas.

– Keep an eye on your health: avoid getting caught in traps or falling off cliffs, and keep an eye on your energy levels โ€“ if you run out of energy, you will be unable to move or interact with objects.

Walkthrough of Q.U.B.E. 2

1. Start the game by selecting “New Game” from the main menu.

2. Choose your difficulty and enter in your name.

3. Click on the “Start” button to begin the game.

4. You will be placed in a dark room with a door on your right and a staircase on your left.

5. Head up the staircase and enter the first door on your right, which will take you to a small room with three boxes in it. Open the middle box to find a keycard, then head back down the stairs and open the other two boxes to find another keycard and a gas mask. Return to the main room and use the keycard to open the door at the bottom of the stairs, then head through it into another dark room.

6. Head towards the light at the end of this room and use your gas mask to avoid being poisoned by gas leaking from a pipe in front of you (you’ll need to take off your helmet later). When you reach the light, take off your helmet so that you can see better and head through an opening in one of its walls (you’ll need to do this again later). You’ll now be inside a large chamber filled with water droplets, which you can walk across using your gas mask as protection from poison gas leaking from pipes above you (you’ll need to take off your helmet again later). When you reach an opening on opposite side of chamber, climb up some ladders into another large chamber containing more water droplets (you’ll need to take off your helmet again later). When you reach an opening on opposite side of this chamber, climb up some ladders into another large chamber containing more water droplets (you’ll need to take off your helmet again later). Finally, when you reach an opening on opposite side of this chamber, climb up some ladders into another large chamber containing more water droplets (you’ll need to take off your helmet again later). Once inside this final chamber, use one of your keys to unlock a door leading out onto a balcony overlooking an abyss below (you won’t be able to enter this room again until much later in the game).

Best Alternatives to Q.U.B.E. 2

1. Portal 2: The Lab
2. Left 4 Dead 2
3. Gears of War 3
4. Battlefield 3
5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Game Length. How long to beat Q.U.B.E. 2

It takes around 10 hours to beatQ.U.B.E. 2.


Q.U.B.E. 2 was developed by the same team that created the original game, but it was published by Square Enix.

Game Details

  • Developer: Toxic Games
  • Genre: Acciรณn y aventura , Otros , Plataformas , Puzles y curiosidades
  • Release date: 43172
  • Microsoft Store: Game
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