Broken Age is a 2D platformer game developed and published by Double Fine Productions. The game was released on February 4, 2015 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. Broken Age is a LucasArts adventure game that tells the story of a young girl named Shay and her broken world. Players control Shay as she navigates her way through the game’s world, solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles to progress.
Deatils of Broken Age Xbox Gameplay
Broken Age is an adventure game for the Xbox One that was developed by Double Fine Productions. The game is set in a world where two young people, a boy and girl, are stranded on a remote island. They must explore the island and solve puzzles to progress.
Why to play Broken Age Xbox game
If you enjoy adventure games, Broken Age is a great option. The story is engaging and the puzzles are challenging.
Best game tips
-Make sure to save often!
-Explore every nook and cranny of the world. There are secrets everywhere.
-Talk to everyone you meet. They may have important information you need.
-Don’t be afraid to fight for what you believe in. It may be the only thing that keeps you alive.
-Remember that death is a part of life, and accept it as part of the journey.
Walkthrough of Broken Age
Act 1
After the prologue, you will find yourself in a dark and dreary world. Move forward and you will come to a large door.
The first thing you should do is examine the door to see if there is anything interesting on the other side. If not, then continue through it.
Once through the door, you will find yourself in a large room with many obstacles in your way. The first thing you should do is head to the right and examine the object there for some clues as to what to do next.
If you need help navigating the room, then look for the light blue dot on your map that represents your character’s current position. Once you have figured out what to do next, head back towards the entrance of this room and take care of any enemies that get in your way.
Once everything is cleared out, head up the stairs and take care of any enemies that get in your way. At the top of these stairs, there is another object that can be examined for clues about what to do next.
If everything looks clear from up here, then go ahead and head down into another room with more obstacles in your way. Take care of any enemies that get in your way before moving on.
In this next room, there are two paths that lead off of it – one leads left and one leads right – so make sure to choose which one you want to take before proceeding onward. After making your decision, continue down whichever path you chose until you reach another set of stairs leading up again.
At the top of these stairs is an object that can be examined for more clues about what to do next – so make sure to check it out before continuing onward!
Once again, there are two paths available – one leads left and one leads right – so make sure which one you want to take before proceeding onward! After making your decision, continue down whichever path you chose until you reach another set of stairs leading up again (the same ones from earlier). At the top of these stairs is an enemy waiting for you! Defeat it before continuing onward!
When everything looks clear from up here (again), go ahead and head down into another room with more obstacles in your way (just like earlier). Take care of any enemies that get in your way before moving on…again! In this next room (again), there are two paths that lead off of it – one leads left and one leads right – so make sure to choose which one you want to take before proceeding onward! After making your decision, continue down whichever path you chose until…you reach a dead end! This means that something has gone wrong…and now things are starting to get tricky! You’ll have two choices at this point: either backtrack all the way back through all those rooms (which may not be easy depending on how many enemies are still lurking around) or try going forward without knowing what’s waiting for ya…but be warned: if things go wrong during this part, it’s game over! So choose wisely! After making your decision (or not), proceed forward cautiously until…you finally reach an area where things start getting a bit easier! There are no enemies here yet so feel free to explore around if ya want; just know that once things start picking up again later on in this area, things may become a bit tougher once more…so keep an eye out for those pesky critters ^_^ When everything looks clear from up here (again), go ahead and head down into another room with more obstacles in his way just like earlier…but don’t worry: after taking care of them all ,you’ll finally reach an area where things start getting a bit easier ! There are no enemies here yet so feel free to explore around if ya want; just know tha tonce things start picking up again later on in this area ,things may become a bit tougher once more…so keep an eye out for those pesky critters ^_^
Best Alternatives to Broken Age
1. Grim Fandango Remastered
2. Bastion
3. Psychonauts 2
4. The Witness
5. Darksiders III
Game Length. How long to beat Broken Age
It takes about 10 hours to beat Broken Age.
Broken Age is a video game for the Xbox One and Windows 10 developed by Double Fine Productions. The game was announced on February 12, 2016, during Microsoft’s press conference for the upcoming fiscal year.
The game is a 2D platformer with hand-drawn visuals set in a world of “broken age” where players control two characters, Shay and Vella, as they progress through the story. The game features voice acting from actors such as Elijah Wood and Jack Black.
On March 3, 2017, it was announced that Broken Age had been cancelled.
Game Details
- Developer: Double Fine Productions
- Genre: Acciรณn y aventura,nan,nan,nan
- Release date: 23/06/2017
- Microsoft Store: Game